Sunday, July 31, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

How Did the Egyptians Perform Magic Turning Sticks into Snakes?

How Did the Egyptians Perform Magic Turning Sticks into Snakes?
I am sorry that I have not been very responsive lately to you. I have been somewhat under the weather since my doctors informed me that I have an acute case of Post Islamic Stress Trauma with Apologetic Whitehouse Fatigue (PIST-AWF). For those of you who do not know what that is; PIST-AWF
is a newly defined disease that is found to be widespread and highly contagious.
January, 2015 - Doctors at the CDC released a statement disclosing a new disease that has already infected over half of the United States and is anticipated to continue to spread.
The disease itself affects the cells of a person’s entire body then goes dormant. The disease ravages the body and leaves serious side effects. These side effects have been labeled as PIST-AWF. Symptoms include:
* Severe pain of the scalp from pulling your own hair while viewing your president pander to Muslim terrorists.
* Loose bowels from swallowing the fact we elected Obama twice.
* Extreme hunger due to vomiting from nightly seeing terrorists murdering innocent people.
* Bleeding from the eyes. This is not Ebola. It is your eyes reacting to accidentally flipping to a channel that shows Al Sharpton as a legitimate news show host.
If you feel you have Post Islamic Stress Trauma with Apologetic War Fatigue, please notify your local election board and place your name on the list for a cure. It is expected, and sincerely hoped, that the cure will be available in November of 2016.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

How Did the Egyptians Perform Magic Turning Sticks into Snakes? - StumbleUpon

History of Federal Reserve & JFK's Executive Order 11110 Pt 1.

1 John book of the Bible overview

When I served in the Army I held a top secret security clearance (with access to special intel.) and we had monthly briefings on handling this vital information. If anyone allowed any classified information to leak out of if we allowed someone without a "need to know" to see classified information, we would be brought up on charges in a heart-beat. Those charges could have included treason. During war time we could have been shot !
Now we didn't have cell phones or text back then, but if I had included classified information in a letter to Mom or a friend, I would probably still be in jail today or I could have stood in front of a firing squad.
Ask yourself, whatever party you support. Do I really want someone holding the highest office in America that has no more regard for our countries security than to send classified information via an unsecured text message.
I for one do not !!

Canada's top 10 list of America's Stupidity | Conservative Byte

Monday, July 18, 2016

Dr. David Jeremiah | Where Are They Now

  Usrious rates of return are deceitful sirens that sing but to lure the unwary upon the rocks of loss and remorse.                                                                                   

Dave Edmunds - I hear you knocking 1970

Brainwashing Citizens of Enemy Nation -- Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (Ex...

Devil Wars

“The canvas never quarrels with the painter. He is free to paint on it what he likes, be it a beggar or a king. The Christian accepts any condition in life as coming from God. If he is successful, he does not boast of it. Can a brush boast that a beautiful picture has been drawn with it? Only the master painter deserves glory. Such is our relationship with Christ. A Christian seeks glory from no one.” -- Richard Wurmbrand

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I was discussing the end of the world and eternity with a non-Christian friend a while back and her final comment was "oh well". That was her response to the reality that being a non-believer in Christ, she would go to hell and be tormented eternally. If you're thinking that's just *my* reality, you're wrong. That's the universal reality and truth taught in the Bible.
(Revelation 14:11) And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name."

History of the Jews in the Philippines

Non-believers in Christ, mark my words. I am compelled to warn you that if you are left behind on earth after the Christians are taken up to heaven by Christ, do not, under *any* circumstances, take the mark of the beast. If you take the mark, which claims allegiance to Satan, you're doomed.
On the other hand, if you suffer for the sake of Christ and call out to Him in faith, you will have eternal life in heaven.
(Romans 10:9) because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Friday, July 1, 2016




1 Corinthians 13:4, "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-- unless indeed you are disqualified." This verse is a warning to Christians who adopt a lifestyle that us not consistent with God's Word. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and does not live according to God's Word needs to make a spiritual pit stop and check their heart.


Ceremonies and rituals cannot save a person, only Jesus can save us. Observing traditions of whatever sort cannot save anyone, only the blood of Christ can do that, and being transformed into His likeness can only be hindered by such things, for only personal relationship between the Master and His disciple can transform a person.
"In World War II, 11.2% of the nation served in four years. In Vietnam, 4.3% served in 12 years. Since 2001, only 0.45% of our population has served in the Global War on Terror. These are unbelievable statistics.
Over time, fewer and fewer people have shouldered more and more of the burden and it is only getting worse. Our troops were sent to war in Iraq by a Congress consisting of 10% veterans with only one person having a child in the military. Taxes did not increase to pay for the war. War bonds were not sold. Gas was not regulated. In fact, the average citizen was asked to sacrifice nothing, and has sacrificed nothing unless they have chosen to out of the goodness of their hearts.
The only people who have sacrificed are the veterans and their families. The volunteers. The people who swore an oath to defend this nation. You.
You stand there, deployment after deployment and fight on. You've lost relationships, spent years of your lives in extreme conditions, years apart from kids you'll never get back, and beaten your body in a way that even professional athletes don't understand. And you come home to a nation that doesn't understand. They don't understand suffering. They don't understand sacrifice. They don't understand that bad people exist. They look at you like you're a machine like something is wrong with you. You are the misguided one not them. When you get out, you sit in the college classrooms with political science teachers that discount your opinions on Iraq and Afghanistan because YOU WERE THERE and can't understand the "macro" issues they gathered from books with your bias. You watch TV shows where every vet has PTSD and the violent strain at that. Your Congress is debating your benefits, your retirement, and your pay, while they ask you to do more.
But the amazing thing about you is that you all know this. You know your country will never pay back what you've given up. You know that the populace at large will never truly understand or appreciate what you have done for them. Hell, you know that in some circles, you will be thought as less than normal for having worn the uniform. But you do it anyway. You do what the greatest men and women of this country have done since 1775 YOU SERVED. Just that decision alone makes you part of an elite group.
Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.
You are the 0.45%."
General David Petraeus West Point Class 1974

What Is the Message of the Four Gospels and Acts? - BibleStudyTools Video